Conda installation is not recognized

Hi everyone,

We recently installed the latest version of Anaconda and also set up KNIME 5.3.0 with all the relevant Python extensions. However, we are facing an issue during one of the steps:

In Preferences, when it reaches the “Testing Conda installation…” step, the process in continuous loop and never completes. We also tried manually setting it to Python 3, but that led to the following error:

Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this or how we can resolve the issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

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Got exactly the same kind of behavior and I also have KNIME 5.3.0.
Then I tried on the version 5.3.2 and it works without doing anything else.

Apparently it worked also for this user:
Setting up Conda to use python nodes in Knime - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum

Very strange however, would’ve loved it to work for 5.3.0 as it is the default one we are using.


Please be aware that Anaconda is not free to use under all circumstances as they recently have made clear (again). You might want to opt for a tool like Miniforge and also only use packages from conda-forge.


Thanks to all.

Our way will be one of those:

  1. specific working anaconda version
  2. update on KNIME v. 5.3.2
  3. get to know miniforge

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