Configure Rank

I apologize for the basic question, but I can’t seem to configure the ‘rank’ node correctly to build it with the logic that is in Excel. The issue is that it’s not maintaining the ascending order for the ‘civici’ column that I set in the previous sorter node
Sovrapposizione_Civici_ESEMPIO.xlsx (17.4 KB)

Hi @MGDiNicola,

thanks for sharing the sample data. I assume you mean sort order. Without aa screenshot of what you are facing, it is challenging to comprehend and envision a solution.

When I read your excel, everything loos perfectly fine. Did you update Knime and its extensions to the most recent version?



Hi @MGDiNicola,

I checked the “Rank” column inside the Excel, but there is no formula in there, just simple numbers. It seems like some sort of ABC analysis to me, but I can’t see the point to apply it to address numbers. What is your objective?

Rank node in KNIME gives you the rank based on the position on the sorted list: if you apply it to your dataset, you should get 18 different numbers, not 3 like you want.

Have a nice day,
Raffaello Barri
Let’s connect on LinkedIn!

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Hi @mwiegand
I would like to obtain the rank column in Knime as you see it in Excel.
now I calculated everything in excel, but I would like to do this step directly in knime.

Yes, i have the latest version.

Hi @MGDiNicola,

so you mean you want to calculate the value of the column “RANK” in Knime as it was done in Excel.

Though, in Excel there is no logic (formula) and the only correlation I can comprehend originates from the last character in the column “chiave”. If that is what you like to get, you can use a String Replace to extract the last character.

Let me know if that is what you aim for.


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