connect to wordpress backoffice

I’m trying to connect to the backoffice (admin) of a wordpress website without success.
I tried with Get request then with Palladian http retriever
Anybody has done it ?
Need to send login and password in POST headers, and receive a Cookie.
Thanks for your help.
If somebody wants to try I can send login+password in private.
Have a good day.


Sounds doable, the HTTP Retriever is able to handle cookies natively. Where exactly are you having issues?


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With Selenium Nodes it works easily using “Send Keys” but I assume - from your initial post @Raphaelluce - that this is no option?

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Thanks for your answers.
I finally got it to function after a few tries.
I could’nt get the “headers” tab to function. (isn’t it designed to select the column containing the headers and use them in the query?)
Finally I put the “headers” column in the “HTTP entity input” in the “general” tab, and it worked !
Thanks for your help, have a good day

The general tab where it is working :

the headers tab not functionning, in my test :


Hi Rahaelluce,

good to hear that it’s working. I assume that your “headers” look something like this foo=x&bar=y, so they’re simply passed as URL-encoded body string input (actually not HTTP headers).

The “Headers” section in the tab is intended for HTTP headers (e.g. Authorization, Content-Type, etc.). If you want to use this one, you can select arbitrary columns: The column key will be the key of the header, the contained value in the cell the header value.

The HTTP nodes in Palladian are intentionally designed to have a big degree of flexibility and work for a big range of scenarios, which can make the configuration options slightly overwhelming at first.

Anyways, I hope this clarifies any confusion! :slight_smile: Thank you for sharing your solution and for further questions don’t hesitate to get back.

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