Hey all, relatively knew to Knime! Trying to learn the different ways I can retreive data. I’ve been exploring how to retreieve data like CSVs or Excels from Sharepoint sites/lists. I’ve heard conflicting things like Office 365 Connectors (seemed deprecated since installation did not work for me), REST APIs, & other ways to connect to Sharepoint. Anybody have a solution or a method that has worked for them relatively simply?
Hello @knime_user_test ,
welcome to KNIME In order to connect to SharePoint you can use the SharePoint Online Connector which is part of the KNIME Office 365 Connectors extension. To install the node simply drag and drop it from the KNIME Hub into your KNIME Analytics Platform as described here. This should start the installation process. If you have problems installing the please post the error here ideally with your Operation System and KNIME Analytics Platform version.
To see the node in action have a look at the various example workflows on the KNIME Hub such as the two from my colleagues:
For further details about working with files in general check out the KNIME File Handling Guide that also contains a section about Microsoft File Systems.
Happy KNIMEing