Convert a csv file to a table

I need to convert a csv file to a KNIME table. I was able to do so by using Table Writer to save the table and then using Table Reader to read the file. Is there a node to simply convert a file to a table?

Hi @acito,

I’m don’t understand what you meant by “I was able to do so by using Table Writer to save the table and then using Table Reader to read the file” as I don’t get how that would “convert a csv file to a KNIME table”

For CSV files you would normally read them in using a CSV Reader, and then the output from that is effectively a “KNIME table”. Yes you can direct the output to a Table Writer and have it written back to disk at that point but I don’t know for what purpose.

What else is it you are actually wanting to do with the data? Sorry that I don’t properly understand your question.


Thanks for the reply. I was confused about KNIME tables.

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Hi @acito , no worries, we’re here to help :slight_smile:

Any node that has a black triangle (well, one or more) on its right means that the output of the node is data, and the data will be in the form of a Knime table.

As you can see, the CSV Reader has a black triangle as output, meaning the csv file will be read and will be in the form of a Knime table:

And you can right-click on the node which will bring up a sub menu, and usually the last item on the sub menu opens the knime data table:

You can do this with any node that has data as output (black triangle), and it is also applicable to some other nodes with other types of output.


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