Converting a table from an image into data is notoriously difficult.
See the conversations here for workflows and a general understanding of this topic. As well, for your problem you may also need to specify a language that KNIME may or may not have.
@wisemanleo ,
So there are 2 problems here:
Can we read the data in?
Even if the data is read in, can it be OCR’ed correctly to transform it into a table?
The short answer to 1) is yes, we can read the png. But 2) seems to be no, we cannot OCR this data to get a reasonable output with KNIME.
The long answers:
For the image reader throwing errors, I also had the Image Reader behave unexpectedly (sometimes throwing errors, sometimes not). Instead Iet’s use the Image Reader (Table) node.…
I managed to get my first Amazon Textract workflow running for Automated Invoice Processing! Man, installing the python integration took me back to installing and running ubuntu packages.
I have some issues on the OCR side of things as well as general questions on the endpoints of the workflow.
Here’s the start point
(Automatic Invoice Processing using Amazon Textract through Boto3 – KNIME Community Hub )
Here’s a snapshot of source invoice
Current issues
Date reads as Feb10/2: …