Convert Diacritics to ASCII equivalence

Hi everyone,
I would like to convert any character containing diacritics to an ASCII equivalent for columns, e.g.
ä => ae, å => aa.

I found that string manipulation has function named “removeDiacritic($$CURRENTCOLUMN$$)” but seems like it only removes special signs from string, e.g. Arvå => Arva, ä => a :frowning: not converting.

Could you please advise me how I can make the correct conversion to ASCII equivalence.

Thank you so much for your help.

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ä => ae, å => aa

Where are you getting this from?

It’s probably going to be easiest to use the Cell Replacer node or the String Replacement (Dictionary) node. You’d create a lookup table and use that to replace the various characters as they are found.


Hi @elsamuel ,
Thanks for your suggestion. I am working on a table containing those characters and found that those characters are usually written like that.

Maybe this is not relevant to KNIME…
you can find a reference here: Diacritical Character to ASCII Character Mapping

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Hi @HanhDo & @elsamuel

I was working on parallel on the same solution using exactly the same source of equivalences lol :rofl:

@HanhDo I came to this solution in case you would still be interested

20210823 Pikairos Convert Diacritics to ASCII equivalence.knwf (35.0 KB)

Hope this helps



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Hi @aworker ,
thank you for your help. But when I wanna replace Ä = AE, e.g. SCHÄFERS, then it gives the results SCHAFERS. I think it doesnt work with 2 letters (A and E), only the first letter (A) is used. :thinking:


Hi @HanhDo

Indeed you are right. This is because the dictionary table does not achieve “1 character” to “several characters” conversion. If you need this type of conversion, i.e. Ä => AE, you will need to treat them separately. My first thought to get a solution would be to use in a first instance the propose solution for all the other conversions (those compatible with 1 char to 1 char). And once those are done, then to treat individually with a “replace( …)” operator those that need to be converted from 1 char to several chars in general.

The rough idea is here but if not clear enough, just tell me please and I’ll be happy to provide the modified workflow solution.

Hope this helps.



Hi @HanhDo

I was too excited to leave this halfway solved so here it is the improved version:

20210823 Pikairos Convert Diacritics to ASCII equivalence.knwf (42.3 KB)

Should you have other special conversions from 1 char to several, you would need to add the conversions to the second string manipulator node, as shown here for “Æ” and “æ”:

replace( replace($Text Example Without Diacritic$, "Æ", "AE"), "æ", "ae")

Please be aware that for every special case you need to modify the initial dictionary table in the first -Table Creator- node, so that the diacritic in question is not achieved (or keep it as it is originally which is the same). For instance in the dictionary, I kept the same “Æ” and “æ”.

Hope this helps.

Best Ael


thannks so much @aworker :slight_smile: . It helps a lot.
And good news is that there are less than 10 special cases like this :slight_smile:


Haha ha, yes ideed :wink: !

My pleasure.



Hello @HanhDo,

There is this wonderful workflow made by @Iris already “ready to use” :


I think it’s working with your “expectations” (i.e. ä => ae).



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