Could Self-defined format in Excel table be added into KNIME?

please advise how I could transmit data with Unit defined in excel to KNIME through Excel Reader Node.
Tks in advance

Hello @wooddenbowl,

don’t think you can do that. Best I can think of is to have format (currency in this case if not mistaken) defined in another column and that read into KNIME. Anyways you can’t do much with 42.0 EA in KNIME except to split it into 2 different columns…


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Hi @ipazin,

If you won’t lose the information, bring as string, not a number and the excel need to have the same configuration (copy and past as a text, not personalized one.)

If you need to make some calc with it for the future, you can make as @wooddenbowl told you, split it to 2 columns and at the end, you can put it together with string manipulation node and save as string again.



@wooddenbowl you can use OpenPyxl with the bundled Python in KNIME to extract the format of the first line of data of an Excel sheet and store that for later use.

If you want to ‘preserve’ the formats you might have to also employ OpenPyxl and define a reference for your excel formats in Pandas and store the information as strings. The downside would be that you would have to define these settings before. But the above approach might help you with that.

kn_example_python_excel_format_extract.knwf (82.8 KB)

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