Create Date&Time Range node creates duplicated rows when receiving variables as input

By sending variables to be used as the start date and end date for the Create Date&Time Range node, it will generate duplicated rows in the output.

KNIME 5.4.0


Hey @haozi04,

thanks for reporting. Just checked with the devs and while I also thought at first that this is a bug, I think it actually makes sense. You set up the node to generate 1000 rows with the start and end being only 1 year apart (~365 days). The node tries to split that start and end into equal intervals which ends up with multiple same dates. I guess what you actually want is to say the node should generate a variable amount of rows with the duration of 1 day with the set start and end date.



Thank you @DanielBog !
Sorry for late reply! You are absolutely right. After put ā€œ1dā€ in intervals I get what is expected.