Create differentevariables of a workflow


Is it possible to create different variables of a single workflow?
I have a workflow that has to be filtered every week and we have to accumulate the workflow results.

Is it possible to create different variables of the workflow results and add them to a new table?

Here is my workflow:

The “Date&Time-based Row Filter” changes every week, and the “End” of the selection will move to the next Friday.
We have to do this in case of changes to the Excel files.

Is there a way to keep every change in a variable or any other way so we can only create a table to
keep them?

I don’t have much experience with variables so if there is another way it will help me a lot.

Thank you so much!

@esosa_aly you can convert flow variables to knime table objects

Or insert a variable as a column. That way you would have a category marking your current data also.

You also can determine the current date or shift a date to the next Friday. Also you can check the information from your Excel files like when they have last been saved or something.


Hi @mlauber71,

Thank you so much for your help.

Is it the same node if I only want to use the last column of the final table to put in a new one?

What I understand about the variables is that they are used as conditionals for the workflow, not as an alternative to creating multiple scenarios for it, right?


@esosa_aly I think you have basically two concepts:

  • you just split your workflow (fork) into the variations you want to have. Here you would obviously need to define them individually and create separate paths
  • you employ loops where the number of iterations will be determined by the data, by and external file of by a configuration but you will always have the sam operation that will run thru.

You can combine the approaches. I think you will have to make a plan of what it is that you actually want to do and what your data is. Maybe you can describe it in morde detail or even provide some sample data and a workflow without spelling any secrets.

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Hi @mlauber71,

I tried to upload my workflow, but it is too heavy to share it.

Is there another way that I can share it?

I added a loop (I hope it is correct) so I can start adding the new columns that appear with the update of the date and time filter.

Thank you so much for your help!

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