I have a super basic flow that comes in as an Excel file, adds a few columns via the constant value column node and the column expressions node and then reorders them via the column resorter.
I’d like to export via the CSV Writer, but it is not writing any Japanese or Chinese characters. All I get is junk characters. I tried the different encryption options, but they’re all coming back with junk characters. The different encryption options replace the Japanese and Chinese characters with different junk characters: Some simply replace them with questions marks; others replace them with wingdings. But none of the encryption options are preserving the Japanese and Chinese characters. (I’m guessing this would affect other alphabets, too, but my files only have the western alphabet, Japanese and Chinese.)
I’ve searched on the forums for help, and everything I’ve seen recommended changing encryption, which isn’t working. Anything else I should try?
I’m using KNIME 4.5.2. The only type of node I have in this flow that’s not in the base install is the Column Expressions node from the KNIME Labs extension.