CSV merging error - addOrUpdate() method

I have set up a loop to list csv files and merge their data (approximately 20,000 rows) to a final CSV file using CSV writer. I get the following message:

Execute failed: You are attempting to add an observation for the time period Sun Dec 25 12:09:22 EST 2016 but the series already contains an observation for that time period. Duplicates are not permitted.  Try using the addOrUpdate() method.

What is the addOrUpdate() method that I could use to solve this issue?

Thank you

I used Groupby and isolated the duplicates. The merging process works, now.

Hi Amars,

could you post me a screenshot of your workflow? Which node throws this error? Which columns are in your table?

Sorry, but I would need more details to solve this issue. 

Best regards, Iris