December 17, 2018, 12:36pm
With the CSV reader, I imported a file.
The following error appears in the log:
Didn’t get any value for column(s) with index #1 , #7 , #17 , #18 ,…
The data will be displayed correctly in the preview, but the Column Merger node will work as a result.
I’m looking forward to help
Could you provide us with an example. And also my twi recommendations would be:
try to use the File Reader instead of CSV reader (File Reader — NodePit )
if this does not work consider using the R package Readr if is much mor robust with CSV files
do not transfer data via CSV - ok just kidding but only to a certain extend …
I had a similar problem where there were some ‘dirty’ CSV files out of a large number of files and they were too large to just ‘edit’ them in Notepad++ (and that also was not a very nice process). I built a workflow using the R package readr, which seems to me more tolerant towards problematic CSV files and gives you some control how to handle mismatching quotes and so on. You might have to toy around with the settings of the read_delim function.
kn_example_import_csv_r_readr.knwf (52.…
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December 17, 2018, 4:52pm
Thank you for the info,
with the csv did not work, we have the csv converted to an xls.