Custom rendering in new UI


We recently had a desire to be able to see string diffs in KNIME cells so we have knocked up a node (currently in the trunk build of the Lhasa open source contribution) that uses googles diff-match-patch code and then we build up an HTML string that the KNIME String renderer is able to cope with.

This only works in the old KNIME UI, doesn’t work for the new UI. This doesn’t particularly bother me for internal users but as it’s in our community contribution it would be nice if I could get it to work in one way or another in the new UI.

Is this something I’d be able to do, if so is there any specific docs or example implementation I could look at?

I guess there’s two ways:

  • Create a view
  • Enable the table renderer to display inline styles?




Hi @swebb,

in the Reporting extension, we have HTMLValue (link) and HTMLCell (link) that could be interesting to use. It’s based on Jsoup.

I would probably create a custom data type that presents itself as HTMLValue, though I’m not sure what our Modern UI frontend supports in terms of styles. I’d have to ask around.

Does that already help a bit?


Hi @hotzm

That was exactly what I needed :).

Seems a bit heavy to depending on the reporting2 bundle just to get the HTMLCell but don’t see a benefit to re-implementing it.

Thanks for the help!




Cool stuff!

I’ll float the idea in the team whether we want to move the HTMLCell implementation closer to the core repo (it already has a suitable package). It was born out of necessity in the reporting project and kind of… remained there. And I agree that it seems a bit heavy of a dependency just for one cell implementation.
