Here I want to share a workflow which builds a complete CV based on your LinkedIn profile information using BIRT in KNIME.
The workflow is available at my public NodePit Space.
You have to to follow these steps:
1- Download your LinkedIn data (Complete version with endorsements). Rename the folder to “LinkedInDataExport” and place it in the “data” folder under the workflow directory. If you move the folder to the right directory you need to replace the current folder which contains the example data.
2- Edit some of the downloaded files:
In Education.csv file, you need to add a new column named “Field of study” right after the “Degree Name” column and add your field of study to each record.
You may need to edit some information in the files but do not change the structure or if you do, you would need to modify the workflow as well.
3- Inside the “data” folder under workflow directory replace the current “personal_photo.png” with your profile image which should have the same file name (personal_photo.png) and equal dimensions or you need to edit the image section in BIRT.
4- Edit your phone number in the configuration window of the “String Input” node in the Profile metanode.
5- Execute and save the workflow.
6- Go to BIRT, modify any section you want and export your CV.
Here is an example CV (contains fake information) which is build using this workflow (converted from pdf to png):
Actually I was going to do so but then I changed my mind since I found it hard to describe all the BIRT configurations in a blog post. What’s your idea?
I didn’t have a specific idea, I was just curious. Having written one of our HOWTO docs about generating BIRT reports, I agree - there’s a lot of ground to cover with respect to BIRT’s config options. It could be challenging to write such a blog post succinctly.
Your BIRT resume looks very neat and clean. I need to play around with your workflow and see exactly how you did it.
This is quite impressive. As diving deeper into BIRT was always on my KNIME to do list, I would really appreciate another of your great blog posts around this topic.