Dashboard Python View/Sunburst Chart

Hola a todos
Pregunta: ¿Es posible realizar un Dashboard con Pie/Donut Chart, Sunburst Chart y Python View?


Sure, this is possible. Here’s a sample workflow that plots a sunburst chart and tabular view together. The key is that to have them appear on the same “dashboard”, you need to wrap the visualization nodes inside a component.

Try it out and post any followup questions here that you might have. :slight_smile:


Hola ScottF
Había probado ya tu recomendación y no resulta. Entre los nodos de visualización como Sunburst Chart, Bar Chart, Pie/Donut Chart es exitoso, pero con “Python View” no resulta.

Sorry, my mistake. Let me ask internally to see if there’s a workaround.

Hi @scesped -

It turns out you just have to use one more node after the Python View - the Image Output Widget.

Thanks for the question - I learned something new today! :slight_smile:

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Gracias Scottf, lo voy aplicar para ver como me va.

En hora buena, resulto…agradecido. Tengo que afinar solamente la estética



Excellent! Glad you were able to get it working :+1:

Muchas Gracias ScottF.

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