Data formation and visualization (Group By and Bar Chart?)

Hello KNIME Community,

I am currently working on a workflow to forecast sales, which I also want to visualize in some form.


For the visualization, a Group By node in combination with a Bar Chart should do the trick (at least I believe so).

However, I haven’t found a way to merge the rows of the data table by average for each year, so that I only have a few data rows to visualize (average for 2011, 2012, 2013, …). I want to visualize the deviations between the test data and the prediction from the algorithm.

Does anyone know how I could solve the task?

The workflow:

regression_test.knwf (379.0 KB)

Best regards,


For clarification, I want to combine the rows for each year and visualize the mean prediction and test data per year.


The approach I would take is

  • Keep the Date&Time formatted columns instead of converting them to strings

  • Extract the year with an Extract Date&Time Fields node between the predictor and GroupBy nodes

  • Use the GroupBy node to group by year, and aggregate by your desired columns using mean.

  • convert the year to a string using a String to Number node, and then you’ll have everything you need for a bar chart



Hey elsamuel,

thanks for the help. I didn’t even know that “Extract Date&Time Fields” was a thing. My solution involved manually adding the year colums to the data sets :smiley:. Yours is much more comfortable.

A quick question, your “prediction (menge kg) (mean)” column values in the group by table seem to be a lot higher than mine and I am unsure how that occured. Do you have an idea?

Best regards,


I’m glad it helped, @Skiplegday

A quick question, your “prediction (menge kg) (mean)” column values in the group by table seem to be a lot higher than mine and I am unsure how that occured. Do you have an idea?

I don’t really know. If you used the same data and process, the values should be the same. What values did you get?


Can you share the workflow file?

regression_test_with new nodes.knwf (441.7 KB)

It seems to me that you’re using a different excel file for product data, that I don’t have access to. If the content of that file is different then the result of the workflow will be different.

What is the result when use the original data file?

Oh, I see. My old upload still used the data set without the “year” column. Thats why the predictor fetched different results.

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