Data Transfer between Clouds – KNIME Community Hub

This workflow demonstrates the utilization of the new file system connection nodes within KNIME AP4.3, while reading, storing, and thus transferring files on and from those file systems. The workflow itself displays reading two files from SharePoint Online into KNIME, where this data is transformed in a certain way. After this processing is done, the data is written to Google Drive. The "initialize data sets" component just uploads two files, stored locally inside the workflow's data folder, to the connected file system and therfore, ensures reusability. Other file system connectors are shown in the lower left box, and can easily be used instead of the displayed connector nodes inside the workflow.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi, when I try to write the results to the cloud storage, I get an error: “ERROR CSV Writer 5:346 Execute failed: (“AccessDeniedException”): null”.

I gave the Storage Object Admin role to the service account. Do I need to give any other permissions? Or do you have any idea what may be the problem?
