I’m slowly progressing on my business hub administration journey and came across a new issue that I could need some help with.
I’ve created a DataApp that makes use of precomputed Data stored in csv files. I’ve uploaded both my workflow with workflow relative links and the csv files to the hub. When run as ad hoc job everything works fine. Unfortunately when I deploy the same workflow, the app fails due to missing files. Is this an issue with the file access rights? Making the files “public” via the hub did not help. Has the workflow to be configured with different path style?
My guess is that the user with whom you have shared the data app doesn’t have access to whichever private space has the data. Currently, one way to work around this is to store the data in the workflow’s data area.
Hey Roland, thank you for the quick reply. I just realized I missed a crucial bit of information! I’m using the “Link without login” to share the app with persons that don’t have an account.
I assume if the data is stored in the data area those users can get access to the necessary files also?
Got it! Yes, the “link without login” feature doesn’t give access to any location outside the main workflow. At some point, we want to change that by including all deployment dependencies in a bundle, but this is still a bit further away.