Database Live Session - Clickhouse DB

Hey everyone!

I am currently working on a project with Clickhouse DB and ran into an issue with temporary tables.
In order to use them I need to establish a live session with the database. Is there a way I can achieve that over knime? And if yes - how can I do that?


Hi @Chaosprinzip ,

have you tried connecting with the DB framework, using the clickhouse jdbc driver?

Hey Marten :slight_smile:

So I am able to connect to the database and do my normal data extractions etc. but this seems to be not a “live session” as I am not able to create any kind of temp tables, which would require the live session.
Is this a limitation from KNIME by any chance?

Based on a post on Clickhouse blog (Making Data Come to Life with ClickHouse Live View Tables – Altinity | The Enterprise Guide to ClickHouse) it seems the live functionality is not supported via JDBC. Instead, they recommend to access via HTTP interface (HTTP Interface | ClickHouse Documentation). While this should be possible to integrate via KNIME REST nodes, I am not sure whether it is a suitable use case for a workflow (which should eventually terminate in a finite state instead of endlessly polling a data endpoint).

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