Date Range Filter

Hello Team, We have Date column in the xlsx file in the format of yyyy-mm-dd , i need a solution to filter only the previous month data range. Example, if you are running flow in Feb it should filter Jan data and save in the excel writer node

Month Name Amount
01-01-2025 123 456789
02-12-2024 ABCD EFGG
02-01-2025 123 456789
02-12-2024 ABCD EFGG
02-12-2024 123 456789
02-01-2025 ABCD EFGG
01-01-2025 123 456789
01-01-2025 ABCD EFGG
02-01-2025 123 456789
02-12-2024 ABCD EFGG
02-12-2024 123 456789
01-01-2025 ABCD EFGG

Hi Madhu,
I have designed a simple flow to achieve this output. I have inserted a string manipulation node which runs inside loop to check and compare 2 column scenarios to consider current month name and previous month name.


You could filter out only “Consider” status using “Row Filter” node and export it to Excel writer.


Another solution here:

Extract year and month from executing time and the data, then filter the data with last month.

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