DB Connector - Give the password flow variable configuration option back.

Hi @thor, thanks for your reply.
Well, drawbacks. I wouldn’t like making this topic solve these issues one by one. So just briefly.
Using credentials brings some additional complexity to workflow compared to plain-text-password way. For example: In my case, I read connection parameters from an external config file. I need to create credentials to get DB connection which makes me use Credentials Configuration Node which doesn’t work in a Component properly. I reported this here: Recommended way of configuring a database connectors
I need to re-invoke Credentials Configuration nodes after I re-open already invoked workflow as described here:
DB nodes - can't continue with workflow after it is re-loaded

Also, using credentials in a workflow brings a special effort to spare. If you load a workflow, KNIME opens Credentials Configuration dialog obviously expecting you to configure credentials. It’s even more inconvenient in batch mode. I haven’t already elaborated this enough to find out whether adding credentials to batch command resolve this or it doesn’t.

And there’s a special Mac-related problem with the dialog I reported yesterday: Workflow Credentials Configuration dialog strange behavior

I’ve spent an enormous effort and lots of time by solving issues related to new DB Nodes and Credentials what I wouldn’t have to if there was still available the option to configure DB Connector picking a plain-text password holding flow variable in the configuration dialog of the node as it was possible with legacy nodes.