DB Reader feature request

If I do a simple SELECT * FROM schema.table (mariadb using the mysql connection node and fetch size of 1000) I can observe the following behaviour.

Run the DB Reader now:

  1. Monitoring the MariaDB server I see the connection state switch between Sending data and writing to net. While I see a live connection the node reports ‘Executing - Executing query…’
  2. When the DB server shows the query has finished only then do I see some progress reporting the number of rows read

When running my more complex query I only ever see ‘Executing - Executing query…’ as the progress text.

If I follow along in task manager step 1 corresponds with high network traffic and step 2 shows none/minimal.

Seems I’ve been operating under an incorrect assumption on what is happening. I had been thinking I could see progress in a similar way to this trivial demo:

But it doesn’t look like KNIME is processing in the same way.

