I have a functioning workflow that fails after sharing it with a colleague.
It has two segments that start with the same creds comp and lead to DB Table Creators.
One of them works but the other fails with the error, “Database connection does not exist. Please reset the corresponding connector node.”
The two connections run one after the other to help with memory/processing resources using the red variable connectors.
They each have their own Snowflake Connector nodes but one is just a copy/paste of the other. I did it that way because I sometimes got the same error and didn’t want to reset all the upstream nodes each time I had to reset the failed table creator.
So it worked for me.
Now I have exported it and shared it with a colleague. They put in their own db credentials.
The first DBTable Creator works but the second one fails. All settings are identical except for the table names.
(Same database and schema, too.)
They also tried running it with my credentials and got the same result.
I’m am not able to work on it as I am out of the office and my colleague is new to Knime.
I’m looking for any new ideas to fix this that I can communicate to my colleague.
Screenshot of the workflow is attached. You can see how the first pair of db writing nodes are successful, and that the flow fails at the table creator.
@LB_Knime welcome to the KNIME forum. Might this be a timeout thing?
Both connectors will be executed right at the start but the second one will start to be used after some work. Might it be possible to start connecting the second one when it is needed and not right at the beginning?
Thanks. That does make sense.
Apparently it’s not the only issue but I’ll come back here with an update.
@LB_Knime also: since you create two connections might there be some sort of limit of how many a user can open. Maybe the other us3r has different settings.
Can you help with how to move the connection closer to the DB write?
The problem is that I control the execution using “dummy” variable port connections. However, the connection node actually uses the variable connector to pass credentials. So, I can’t just move the connector farther forward.
Not sure about the two users as I’m using the same user in both cases and it seems to work as is. But I’ll check that.
@LB_Knime it could look something like this with a Merge Variables node to bring in additional information. Although I would assume these Flow Variables should also be there from the existing connections.
The Snowflake connection gets triggered when the last node before the DB Table Creator is reached
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