Hi all, im dealing with a JSON stream output which has some date fields i want to work with.
this field can have null in it so when i currently pull the data i end up wit hall teh date results for every row, on every row. I tried a few different missing value nodes to remove the rows with null values but seem to be struggling could anyone suggest any ideas to point me in the right direction?
missing value in KNIME is denoted with red question mark. If you have it then you can use Missing Value node to remove row with missing value in it. How does your null values look like?
hi, its black question mark that is coming out. it also appears to be putting the entire data stream of that field on every row ie “valid date”, ? “valid date”, ? , ?, ? etc
FYI all other the collection queries on the JSON path node separate out the data onto rows fine so not really sure why im seeing that behavior. thanks again for your help.