Dict Replacer (2 in ports) No column containing TermCells found !

I get this message when trying to use the 2 in ports Dict Replacer.

WARN  Dict Replacer (2 in ports) No column containing TermCells found !

One input is a table of Documents directly from Flat File Document Parser, the other is a table with a few columns read with File Reader, then passed through String to Term to convert the String column containing my term phrases into a Term column.

Unfortunately the Dict Replacer always produces this error message no matter what I try.






the Dict Replacer node is working on bag of words, meaning that the list of documents created by the Flat File Parser has to be transformed by the BoW node. The output table of the BoW node can be used as input table for the Dict Replacer node.


Cheers, Kilian

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