Display geographic coordinates on the map inside knime

Hello, I have some geographic coordinates in the form of lat and long and I want to see them on the map through knime, please guide me.

Hi @alex1368,

have you tried to look at the examples uploaded on the Hub by the Geographic analysis team?

One step you’re missing in the example above is the conversion of lat lon coordinates into a geometric point: use this node

Have a nice day,
Raffaello Barri
Let’s connect on LinkedIn!

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Hi @alex1368 ,
a good place to get started with Geospatial in KNIME is the collection page that lists the most commonly used nodes and example workflows including visualization examples.


Hi @alex1368,

here is a small workflow, hope it helps!
If you have questions, ask here

Have a nice evening,

Thank you for your detailed answer and it is exactly what I wanted
If possible, tell me how I can change the map type

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Hi @alex1368,

glad it helped :slight_smile:

If you open the configuration settings of the map node, there is a drop down menu with all maps you can choose from.

Have a nice day,

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