Distance between two clusters

Let assume that we have two clusters of points(n-dimension)- How one can find the distance between those two clusters?
There are different approaches for that
Single Linkage: defines the distance between two clusters c1 and c2 as the minimal distance between any two points x, y with x in c1 and y in c2.

  • Complete Linkage: defines the distance between two clusters c1 and c2 as the maximal distance between any two points x, y with x in c1 and y in c2.
  • Average Linkage: defines the distance between two clusters c1 and c2 as the mean distance between all points in c1 and c2.

Hi @malik,

could you please clarify your question? Are you interested in calculating these cluster distances in KNIME? Or do you want to know which of the mentioned options to choose?


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Hi @DaveK
Thanks for your reply. Yes i want to know how to calculate these cluster distances in Knime.


Hi @malik,

I created a workflow calculating the distances. As one needs to calculate all distance pairs between all data points, this can be pretty resource hungry if you input a large dataset.

cluster-distances.knwf (26.9 KB)



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