Document Scrubber

Hey all, I created a Document Scrubber component. It’s similar to the Document Pre-processing component created by a KNIME team member, but it adds some additional and supports three languages (English, German, and Spanish) for POS tagging, stopword filtering, and stemming.

The options include:

  • Stopword filtering
  • Part-of-Speech Tagging
  • Convert to lowercase
  • Number filtering (default)
  • Number filtering (extended)
  • Punctuation filtering
  • Diacritic mark filtering
  • Stemming
  • Minimum characters per term

It doesn’t assume that you want to do anything aside from cleaning up text, so subsequent nodes like Bag-of-Words will have to be implemented separately.

It is based on the TIKA Language Parser node, which has mixed results on some text. I may end up making the language support optional and have a default processing path if that’s the case.

Check it out and let me know what you think!


Moving this topic to the main AP forum for better visibility. Thanks SJ!

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