Does the DB Insert/Write Node have a mapping option for text?

So I am trying to write/insert something into a database table (the DB is SQL Server).

One column contains very long strings therefore the corresponding column in the database table has the type “text”.

But it seems I cannot map a Knime Type to the Database type “text” in the DB Insert/Write Node.
When I am trying to write into the DB I am getting the error:

ERROR DB Writer 0:34 Execute failed: Error while adding rows #-100 - #0, reason: String or binary data would be truncated.

This problem didnt occur with the legacy Nodes.

Somebody can help?

Hi there @gnime!

This column is string in KNIME, right? Have you tried mapping it to nvarchar for example?

Seems ntext ,text , and image data types will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Don’t know when is that future but maybe that is the reason why there is no text type :wink:


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