Dose-response curve fitting with R from within Knime


Does anyone have experience with fitting of dose-response curves and calculating IC50 values using R nodes in Knime? I know there is an R package called 'drc' that supports curve fitting, but I would like to see an example of getting this to work with Knime.

Any tips much appreciated!


we have a dose-response node in our HCS-tools (community nodes) under Screen Mining. It is actually a R script that is hidden behind a node and you need to set up an R server in order to use this node. Here is the instruction:

That node's output is a plot as well as a table with IC50 values and errors.



Thanks for your rapid response, Martin! This certainly helps me forward, but do you have an example workflow using the dose-response node, so that I can see what the input requirements are?

Many thanks!

you can try this workflow to have an example to use drc in knime without rserve...for caculating IC50 and plot ..but you have to known which 4param use for fitting

Works nicely, just what I was looking for to get started. Thanks a lot!

Dear Martin,

An example workflow showing how to format the input data would be extremely helpfull.

Thanks in advance!

Hi to everyone!

I'm a new user of R

I'm a PhD student and I work with toxicity con medicines drug on water, and I essay their toxicity with microtox

I want to ask if there is anyone that use the model concentration addition (CA) and indipendent action (IA) for mixture of contaminants with R?

thank you very much!

I used the package "drc" for fitting the curve dose-respnce for single contaminants and calculate IC50 for bioluminescence inhibition on Vibrio fischeri..

Hello guy!

I have a simple question

can you tell me how put tick in x axes at the same range? e.g. in logarithimc scale?




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