Doubt about workflow

Dear Community, I have some doubts about this workflow that I am developing:

  • If I’m using the X-Partitioner node for cross validation, does the additional training path where I keep training+validation together become useless??
    -does it make sense to use each of those normalizer apply to keep the process homogeneous?
    -Am I missing or doing something else wrong?

thanks for your attention Francesca :smiley:

Hi @Francesca_T00,

Happy to have you joining the KNIME community. Please understand that this is a community of many people helping out where they can. Reaching out to members directly and cross posting between topics usually does not attract the desired attention and may also not reach experts on the exact topic you’re querying about.

Please checkout the post over at How to Best Ask For Help on the Forum on how to best ask for help. Here, more details on the workflow would be great, e.g. a link to the workflow and which nodes you’re tweaking. Maybe even a reproduction workflow that shows multiple options of the attempted solution/configuration?

Kind regards


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