Drag/Grab & replace not working anymore


since 5.1 it seems impossible to drag/grad a node and place it ontop of another oen to replace and automatically connect the in-/ and output ports.


Note: I was able to drag & replace but the behavior seems inconsistent.

Hi @mwiegand,

Am I right in assuming that “inconsistent” mean, it worked not all the time. Could you please give us more information when exactly is was working for you and when not? That would help the developers to look into this issue.

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Hi @schramm,

I was first unable to reproduce it but luckily, after switching back from this editor in the browser back to Knime I got lucky. As follows the screen recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H-705c6nv0nRoLvmvilyWk3I4_wpIdIf/view?usp=drive_link

I am still not able to reliably reproduce it to zero in on the possible circumstance / cause but it must be related to the switch between applications it seems.


Hi @mwiegand,

I was looking into your issue and couldn’t reproduce the described behaviour yet. Could you please provide:

  • The specific KNIME AP Version that showed this behaviour (Help → About KNIME … → Installation Details → KNIME Analytics Platform → Version)
  • Your operating system
  • The workflow that is also shown in your screen recording (or another minimal example workflow that showed this behaviour)

Do you recall any other weird UI bugs in your AP version, or any other steps that lead to this issue (like undo/redo or closing/opening a workflow)?

All the best,