Dynamic dropdown updates in Component Nodes

In a component node.
If I have a user selecting an option from a dropdown, is it possible for a subsequent dropdown to be updated.
i.e. Whatever is selected in the first dropdown, controls what options are available in the second dropdown. I cannot find a way to make this happen making me wonder if this is even possible to do.

Hey there,

that is doable - see small prototype below.

It creates an single selection widget based on two Options A and B.

After chosing one option the data for input into a second widget gets filtered by the selection in the first one. Everytime Option 1 changes, the drop down is updated.

componentDynamicInput.knwf (104.7 KB)



Some things to be aware of:

  1. the widgets should be configured with default Values to avoid errors in execution
  2. the first widget needs to have the box ticket in re-execution tab:

Thanks so much for this. I missed the tab for re-execution. This is exactly what I needed.



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