Dynamic Filter connected to several Python Views of a dashboard

Good morning @mlauber71,
Have you tried on the server KNIME , my job simplified? Because in the KNIME full Client (KNIME AP?) it runs without problems, but on the KNIME server portal, once exported as app it does not run: In this last cases, also if you select with the method used (by Nominal Row Filter Widget) by me or with your method (by Interactive Value Filter Widget) on the server the data does not change.

EC_EMNIES_Dashb_DynFilter_part2.knwf (20.3 KB)
Good Morning, This a new version of the same workflow where I added another table with R-Source and another Python View chart where the project code is not visualized but they have to modify the data showed in according with the project selected. The problem here is that the second Python View chart does not change in according of values selected: Can you explain me what is wrong in the Python Code of second chart? I intercepted the variable that co,tains the selected value in the code of this last, but it appears not enough. Say me if it is better to open another post.


@DanGenEire you are using the “df_sorted” for the graphic but you do not filter or merge it. You will have to make the use of pandas data frames consistant.

EC_EMNIES_Dashb_DynFilter_part2.knwf (20.3 KB)
Thanks @mlauber71 for the suggestion, I corrected and now it runs. Now it remains to solve the issue that we have with the launching of the workflow on the KNIME server.

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Have you the same isuue when you luanch 1 of yhis dsahbord on the KNIME seever, via portal?

EC_EMNIES_Dashb_DynFilter_part2.knwf (20.3 KB)
Here a new version where I am trying to apply the dynamic filter also to another bar chart where the project it should not visualize the Project, but the data have to change, as the first chart, when we select one or more projects. The problem is that when I make a selection, the data of second chart changes as waited (as the first near), but in the second chart appear in the bars more values: Why? What is missing in this second Python View chart python code for avoiding this weird issue? And why in the second chart I do not manage to have the statuses sorted by N. of cases, also if it is in the code? What is missing or wrong?

my first impression is that you have to clean up the use of dataframes in this code. There are at least 3 and you use them at several points. The sorted one later does not get used at all.

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Finally I managed to have a mini-dashboard with Python View charts with 3 dynamic filters, that appears to run as waited, but randomly I have the following error:

How could we manage this error? Or how can we ignore this error in Python code on Python View?
Moreover also if the system gives this error, after it executes the selection chosen correctly.
I tested in the KNIME version 4.7.2 on the EC laptop affected and in the version 5.2 on my personal fixed computer (in The European Commission we could pass to version 5.1 on January 2024), and I have always this error.
I attach here the workflow made in KNIME 4.7.2:
EC_EMNIES_Dashb_DynFilter_part4b_K472.knwf (44.3 KB)
[PS (priority low): I should make also some dynamic filter on the second level, as , for example Organization, that depends from the EU Country. Have you any idea for how we could build that in the KNIME dashboard?

here the screenshot of workflow:

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