Dynamic Matrix NXN Conversion

Good morning, I hope you are very well. Thank you for helping me with the following question:
I am developing a flow that allows me to pass an nxn matrix but without the need to change the parameter of the unipivot node, I share the flow.

Convert_Matrix.knwf (18.4 KB)

hi @eburbano
if you wanto to unpivot a generic table without using explicit parameters, maybe this workflow can solve your problem
Convert_Matrix_2.knwf (17.7 KB)

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Welcome to the forum @eburbano

I think the issue is the loop. You’re processing each individual column one at a time, then appending the results as new columns.

I’m not sure I see a reason to use a loop at all.


Hello Elsamuel, Thank you very much for the help, both solutions worked for me.

Hello Duristef, Thank you very much for the help, both solutions worked for me.

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