Dynamically loop through columns with Column Expression node?

Hello again,

this might have already been solved but I couldn’t find anything. My goal is to loop through all (30+) columns and replace any occurrence of one or more asterisks with two dashes.

I’m using the Column Expression node, replacing column by column which I think is too complicated as a solution.
What I’m looking for is to loop through all columns dynamically. Unfortunately, the column expression - when chosing “Replace Column” - forces me to select a specific column and not set it to, for example, a variable. If that’s possible, then I haven’t figured it out yet. Help is highly appreciated here.

Here’s the code I’m using in the Column Expression (Replace Column):

// Example for column "CPUSpec3"
if(column("CPUSpec3") == null)
regexReplace(column("CPUSpec3"), "\\*+", "*")
regexReplace(column("CPUSpec3"), "\\*+", "*"), "\\*", "--")

Currently my table looks something like this:

CPUSpec1 CPUSpec2 CPUSpec3 CPUSpec4
Intel Core i7-12700KF, 8C+4c/20T, 3.60-5.00GHz, ******************** Boxed
Intel Core i7-14700KF, 8C+12c/28T, 3.40-5.60GHz, 5.60GHz (Turbo Boost Max 3.0), ********************
Intel Core i7-10700K, 8C/16T, 3.80-5.10GHz, ******************** Boxed w/o cooler
Intel Core i5-10600KF, 6C/12T, 4.10-4.80GHz, Intel 1200 (LGA1200) ********************

Maybe the Column Expression node is not what I am looking for here?

Thank you!

Did you try string manipulation (multi column) node ?

Best regards,


I did try it but failed. Now I tried again and unchecked “Fail if expression can not be evaluated”. Now it works. Thanks so much!

Apart from that: I now need two String Manipulation (Multi Column) nodes to have both regexReplace functions to work. Any trick to combine both in one?

I think Regex evaluations are impossible on missing values : one can suppress missing value before evaluation (Missing value node).
I don’t really understand why you need two regexReplace. $\*+^ will select values with only one or more *.

I think Regex evaluations are impossible on missing values

True, would make no sense to evaluate what’s not there.

I don’t really understand why you need two regexReplace. $*+^ will select values with only one or more *.

I’m replacing all occurences of asterisks to exactly one asterisk and then replace the single asterisk with the two dashes since I never know if the amount of asterisks always is the same.
I just tried your suggested RegEx. This adds an asterisk to the beginning of any row that’s not null?

My apologies ! I don’t edit my respons correctly. Indeed just one regexReplace seem to work on your data (column CPUSpec3) :

May I miss something ?

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Somehow it does work for me, too. I need to learn more about the RegEx I’m using. Again thanks for your quick help here.

Your wellcome !
Best regards.

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