Dynamically reading sheets in an Excel file


I am a data scientist apprentice who has just started working with Knime.

I am trying to build a flow to dynamically read all sheets in an excel file using a loop.

I have set the flow variable in the excel reader to sheet which corresponds the differing sheet names in the read excel sheet names node.

The issue I am having is the my flow is reading the first sheet 5 times rather than reading the first sheet, second sheet, third sheet etc.

What I am left with in the end is a table showing my fist sheet unioned 5 times.

Here are some screen shots:

Hi @finspencer246

Welcome to the KNIME Community!

Could you share the config of the Excel Reader node? It looks to me like the flow variable for the sheetname is not applied correctly and it just iterates through the currently set sheetname.

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Thanks for the quick reply!

I have looked back at the excel reader and noticed I had selected first with data rather than ‘by name’. I have ticked that and I am seeing the correct configuration!

I will still send screen shots to confirm best practice:

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Good to hear! I’ll mark this topic as solved then :slight_smile:

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