Emergency Problem KNIME Platform V5.4.0 Will Not Allow Nodes To Be Added

All of a sudden, both versions of KNIME I run, 5.4.0 and 4.7.8 will not allow any node from the Node Repository to be dragged into my workflows.

I have restarted both versions several times and restarted my computer. Nothing.

When I try to drag any node in I get the little symbol of the red circle with the red line slashing through the middle.

I’m in a bit of a panic right now.

This is my personal (higher-end) laptop, no firewalls, no special passwords or systems to work through.

KNIME has run fine on this machine for two years; I’ve made no changes. It ran fine two hours ago. My only change was a typical microsoft update. I do not know what they could have possibly done…

When going online, I can drag individual nodes into my workflow from KNIME sources. I just cannot drag any node in my local versions of KNIME into my workflows.

On version 5.4.0 I let the startup prompt check for updates and none were needed.

I’m stuck until I hear from you.

Hopefully someone can pinpoint your problem. If not, I’ve had the best success with these types of problems by reinstalling KNIME. Its a little painful, but will almost certainly work. BTW - I just installed the Windows 11 24H2 update without incident.

@rfeigel thanks for the input. I’m hoping a more precise, less intensive, solution that doesn’t require all new installs, and will hang in there a bit to see what someone else may know. thanks again.

Hi @creedssmith, so you’re saying that this now occurs exactly the same in both 5.4 and 4.7.8?

Does this mean you are using classic UI in 5.4?

What happens if you switch to modern UI in 5.4?

The fact that it is apparently suddenly affecting two completely different KNIME versions would suggest to me that the issue is external to KNIME. Which version of Windows are you using?

Whilst I think this would be external to KNIME, I would suggest doing what @rfeigel suggests, but not a re-installation of KNIME which replaces an existing one, but if you have space on your drive, download a fresh copy of the KNIME 5.4 zip file, and extract that to a totally new area. Then try executing KNIME from that new copy, just to see if it behaves or shows the same behaviour. That might at least to give an indication of where to look.

One other thought… Is there any chance that you are somehow now running as an administrator, or maybe you previous ran as administrator user but now you aren’t?


Hi @takbb @rfeigel , I am running modern UI 5.4.-- 4.7.8 is all older UI.

I have to keep the separate 4.7.8 as I built 100 complex polygon/shapefile maps in google, I believe in KML if memory serves, and 4.7.8 was the last issuance of a KML reader in KNIME.

I believe this is not a KNIME issue as of right now.

Here’s the crazy part, besides my laptop monitor, I have two external monitors (much bigger, different brands, sizes, ages). It took some trial and error, but on my laptop screen I have the drag-and-drop node function. On both external monitors I have lost that function as described above.

I updated everything in windows 11, drivers for both external monitors, and even bought, installed, and updated a new external hub for feeding the monitors.

None of this fixes the problem of not being able to drag and drop nodes on either external monitor…

But again, this works fine on my laptop screen (yea). So this is likely some really strange situation outside of KNIME. So sorry, I had not known all this when I posted the first time.

Thanks for your help.

Just as my final update, I hooked up a brand new out-of-the-box monitor. Same problem: I have the drag-and-drop KNIME nodes function only on my laptop screen, and yet with all-new-everything, including external monitor, when I try to drag any node using any external screen I get the little red circle and slash with the inability to accomplish this. Thanks again.

So this occurs when KNIME is running completely on the external monitor or is the KNIME application spanning monitors and laptop screens?

Also are the display resolutions of the monitors and laptop different?

@takbb KNIME is running and I have it presented on one external screen. Each screen can have independent programs up on them, but only one has KNIME at any one time.

All are 1080 resolution.

As a last ditch effort, after replacing and updating everything else, I did a complete reinstall of the MS OS latest version, 24H2 repair version,–not the update but a complete 3 hour reinstall. To my great dismay, neither external (including the brand new one) allows the KNIME drag-and-drop of nodes into the workflow screen.

It’s just not working. I can still do such on my primary laptop screen.

Hi @creedssmith , that sounds weird and a right pain.

I haven’t used windows 11, but I’m assuming it still has the option of saying which screen is your primary display.

So just a thought… Does making a particular screen you’re primary display make a difference to which one allows drag and drop?

@takbb It didn’t before yesterday, but I will give it a try shortly. Yes, I can define primary screen. This moment I am doing a completely new KNIME system download, set aside fully from the other two, and will test that also. I’ll update you in a bit.

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@takbb I tried all. I made a larger external screen my primary. I still could not drag and drop any node to it. It still does so on my laptop, regardless of which I designate as primary in windows.

I installed the absolute newest full version of KNIME in a separate location (3rd version on my machine). On my laptop screen I can drag and drop. On all other screens I can not drag and drop. When I click a node to start the drag I get the standard little hand-finger, then the second I start a motion toward the main workflow area the now infamous little red circle and line slash appear.

I cannot think of a single other thing to try, replace, or update…

Do you have display scaling at anything other than 100% on either of the monitors? And what’s the native resolution of the monitors. I know you said they’re set to 1080, but are they natively higher res eg 4k?

@rfeigel So, you get the genius award :slight_smile:

This lovely latest microsuck update whacked out all kinds of settings on my computer. Among other things changed where my sound came from and the resolution of my screens. Over time I think I’ve tracked down and corrected everything–including resetting the screens and resolutions.


I would never have guessed microsuck resetting my screen resolutions would cause a drag and drop on KNIME to stop working.

THANK YOU for your help

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You really should give the credit to @takbb.


Thanks @rfeigel , but I, in turn, should give the credit to chatGPT which really helped brainstorm the problem… (It was quite a long conversation, but I think it was pleased to have something to do now everybody is using Deep Seek :wink:)

@creedssmith if you read through that chat you’ll see there are some java settings suggested that could (might/might not) improve things. You’d make such changes to the KNIME.ini, but make sure you keep a backup first!

But the long and the short is that it’s potentially a java issue, rather than specifically a KNIME issue.

Get a 404 error from your ChatGPT link.

Hmmm, that’s odd. It works for me even from a different browser that’s not logged in. It’s too long to copy/paste the whole conversation but here are screenshots of the main points:

Thanks for taking the time. Interesting.

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@rfeigel @takbb You are correct; I was rushing out the door and misspoke.


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