Encountered error when installing a python-based knime extension

Hi Knime Community,

I’m developing a Python-based extension and I recently had a problem when I tried to install the extension to KAP from a local update site by following this instruction. The problem is described below:

Development env:

  • OS: Windows 11
  • KNIME ver.: 4.6.1

Target env:

  • OS: Mac OS 12 Monterey, Ubuntu Mint 19.3 Cinnamon
  • KNIME ver.: 4.6.1

Error message:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.nlesc.eye_of_beholder,
SHA-256 hash is not as expected. Expected: ead1091e06a216ff560ba3debad9e6076972f5608b311d2791aaf5c1fecb99fa and found 97e4bc379fe33dffb370a641e0aec8d439509f8601f5bc0b3830210516dd5060.
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.nlesc.eye_of_beholder.channel.bin,
SHA-256 hash is not as expected. Expected: 54f39e108de42dbdab65ba5edfad6b54e06069a7205d20ffa55d3b022a651039 and found 3daffedb7dec25ca1babab6dc0c99d1cadee7251bde1b5aedeaa9623ed0505b2.
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.nlesc.eye_of_beholder.channel.bin.linux.x86_64,
SHA-256 hash is not as expected. Expected: 44fa245c65c414f9ab685afe08f370feaf05b32ead034dfd1f0db2b24c679a2b and found 9ec1738e9b465eed8a6ee8f697e8aad2ad5835003ec3cffdb782ce0dd4395256.
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.nlesc.eye_of_beholder.channel.bin.linux.x86_64.source,
SHA-256 hash is not as expected. Expected: 39ede12c5d1903f83a961fd0875bf111ae90963d538cf6d3d712685f959f676c and found d027e2c59e497f05e0e51decc54260250e2ee1714161c0fbfc612f1fab8d4c34.
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.nlesc.eye_of_beholder.channel.bin.source,
SHA-256 hash is not as expected. Expected: e3796bd015392476ae272d29c90edf96b3fde77aeee347c1bc9aa6029a87f2a0 and found 9d26e07da06dd7f3d17027a1085b79a02ba8f35cd39e45e2dcc07faecbdac39a.
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.nlesc.eye_of_beholder.source,
SHA-256 hash is not as expected. Expected: 7238c357a52899ea6930ae6140fb1de57e9a22310aecfcccfb9442c8c8ab2fe9 and found 7f84e58abbd0f366580834e7532442a8134f68b0dc23004414c23ac0d9e7a9b6.
Problems downloading artifact: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.nlesc.features.eye_of_beholder,
Downloaded stream not a valid archive. Check the server.
Problems downloading artifact: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.nlesc.features.eye_of_beholder.source,
Downloaded stream not a valid archive. Check the server.

I found it strange since I’m not installing anything from the extension server. So I’m wondering if anyone has the similar issue and knows how to solve it.


Hi @jiqicn,

Can you unzip your updatesite and check for the SHA-256 checksum of the bundles listed in the error?
you can use the following command to do so.

sha256sum bundle.jar 

Can you also try to install the extension on a freshly downloaded AP?

Regarding your comment about not installing anything from the extension server, that is just a generic error log eventhogh you are installing from a local update sites.

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Hi @temesgen-dadi,

Thanks for your reply!

I checked the SHA256 sum of the files, and what I got are exactly the same as the expected values in the error message.

I also tried to install the extension on a freshly downloaded AP, but the result remains the same.


Hi @jiqicn ,

Can you run KNIME with -clean parameter as the first line of the knime.ini and try again?


One addition:

When getting the hash value using Get-FileHash from Windows, I got the same value as the expected one in the error message. But when using sha256sum in a Linux system, I got the found value instead.

I guess this means Windows and Linux/Mac OS are using different hashing algorithms, right?

I tried to add -clean to the first line of knime.ini, but still doesn’t work.

I guess this means Windows and Linux/Mac OS are using different hashing algorithms, right?

Did you create the update site on windows?
Does the zipped update site work on windows?

Yes, the development env of the extension is Windows 11, and I want to install it on Linux and MacOS.

The update site works well on Windows.

My bet is the files are not the same after you moved them to MacOS/Linux. Maybe, they got corrupted while copying them.

Can you bring back the same files to your Windows11 and check their hash sum?

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You are right! I pushed the files to a GitHub repo via Git LFS, that might be the reason.

But what should I do if I really want to share the extension with my colleagues through GitHub?

To update:

I finally figured out that the files pushed through git lfs were broken. By removing the repo from local and fetching the files again, it works. Still not sure what is the reason behind, but seems not related to KAP anymore. Thanks @temesgen-dadi for your patience!

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