Error creating new python environment

HELLO. I’m trying to create a new python environment in Preferences but I can’t an error message appears:
“Failed to resolve the following list of packages.
Please make sure these packages are available for the local platform or exclude them from the creation process pyarrow=6.0”
how do I solve this?

Hi Ivy_Lima,

to reproduce your issue, could you provide us with the following information?

  1. Which Operating System do you use?
  2. Which (version of the) KNIME Analytics Platform do you use?
  3. Which Conda version do you use?
  4. With which Python version did you try to create the Conda environment?
  5. Could you send us a screenshot of the Preference Page?
  6. Could you send us the debug log of that incident? For this, go to Preferences → KNIME and set the log file log level to DEBUG; then reproduce the error and then got to View → Open KNIME log; and send us the log

Thank you and don’t hesitate to ask further questions!
Best regards

HI Steffen

  1. windows system
  2. I am using KNIME version 4.6.1
  3. I use Conda version 4.13.0
    knime.log (12.0 KB)
    Captura de ecrã 2022-10-12 121703

Hi Ivy_Lima,

could you check in your console conda config --describe channel_priority to see whether conda has the desired priority flexible?
Besides that, I am not sure how to reproduce your error.
I suggest creating the environment from command line and only select it in the preference page. To create the environment from command line

Does that help? Don’t hesitate to ask further questions!

Best regards


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