ERROR Download file from HDFS in docker

I use “Download” Node to download the file from remote Hadoop cluster. But it was error. I try to use “WebHDFS Connection” and “HDFS Connection”, but all of them make error. The cluster is create from docker.

This is use “WebHDFS Connection”. When “master error” resolve (use port mapping with docker), then occur “slave2 error”:

This is use “HDFS Connection”:

This is my hadoop cluster:

so, how can I solve it ?

webHDFS and HDFS need access to all data nodes within the cluster. Are they all reachable from KNIME? Maybe you can try to setup httpFS in the cluster and then use the httpFS connector node since this will need only access to the node in you cluster the httpFS service is running on.


Thank you! I solved it. You’re right.

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