Error in Birt Report Generation XLSX

Hi guys,

I’m trying to execute a workflow with a BIRT report and it execute sucessfuly at the web browser page, but when I try to export it to excel I got this error:

Unexpected exception thrown by the executor: ServiceException (Report generation failed)

My server version is 4.13.4 and my AP is 4.4.2…And when I used to run at server 4.10.1 it was work fine.

note: I have very similar reports at the same server that works fine.

Does anyone has any clue about this error?

Hi @rafaelfre1 ,

Are you saying that you have other reports where you can export the report just fine on the same server, but with this one specific BIRT Report, you can’t export the excel file?

If so, could you please send a screenshot of the layout of the BIRT report once it has completed? I am curious if there are any pictures or items with a red X as sometimes the layout of the BIRT report can cause issues.


Hi Zack,

Yes, that is it.

Is there any KNIME support email that I can share the screen shot…

There is not red mark or message from BIRT, the more strange thing is that this report can export for word, power point, pdf, etc…but shows error in xlsx mode.


Another detail…I’ve started build the same report from the beginning and I faced the same error.

It was soling change the sever setup:


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