I am using KNIME Analytics Platform v3.3.3.v201707231738.
I created a workflow using Palladian TextClassifierModelLearner and TextClassifierModelWriter to write a file named 'palladian-model.palladianDictionaryModel'.
And then in another workflow, I am trying to use Palladian TextClassifierModelReader node pointing the the saved model file above.
Palladian TextClassifierModelReader is erroring out with the following line in the log:
ERROR TextClassifierModelReader 0:313 Execute failed: Not in GZIP format
Hi, I’ve tried your solution but the error is the same. Renamed the file to model-word-contenido.palladianDictionaryModel.gz I used the text classifier model writer.
WARN Text Classifier Model Reader 0:91:132 Specify an input file to read.
ERROR Text Classifier Model Reader 0:91:132 Execute failed: Not in GZIP format
ERROR Text Classifier Model Reader 0:91:132 Execute failed: Not in GZIP format
ERROR Text Classifier Model Reader 0:91:132 Execute failed: Not in GZIP format
tried .gzip and .gz, none seems to work. Neither if I remove ‘.palladianDictionaryModel’ altogether.