error installing Knime AI extension

I am on a new install behind company firewalls so I am trying to install the extensions using the offline Archives, ( 5.3.2). When trying to install the AI extension I receive the following error,

An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R] 5.3.2.v202408261553, action=org.knime.product.p2.actions.ShellExec).
ShellExec command exited non-zero exit value:
Installation of the Python extension failed:
critical libmamba Download error (6) Couldn’t resolve host name []
See the files “C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.out” and “C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.err” for details.

The error looks like there is a call to the external Anaconda URL which would be impossible as we do not allow access to the internet.

In Preferences I am pointing the Conda preferences to a local install from a rival software that includes a miniconda3 installation. Is there a way around this limitation ?


@mgirdwood you can try several things to install python extensions if you are behind a firewall.

Also there should be improvements coming to make this installation easier.


@mlauber71 - Thanks for reaching out, my issue this time is not the Pythion extension which is installed but the AI extension. Being behind a firewall I can not reach the apprarent error request to external conda

" critical libmamba Download error (6) Couldn’t resolve host name []

I have miniconda available already pointed to in the Knime Preferences.

@mgirdwood have you set this parameter:

This will try to point to a directory where you downloaded all the necessary packages to install the KNIME Python extensions. Mostly it should work. You can either add it to the PATH variable or you can set it at the command line before trying the installation.

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Hi @mlauber71 - I followed the info as described in this link however when trying the setx variablename Path in a cmd prompt i receive an error " Error: invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than 2 times. Type "SETX /? for usage

setx KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL C:\ThePathToMyPythonScripting

path is as shown in the Preferences - Knime- Python-based-extensions

Perhpaps i missed some syntax in the cmd

With my locked down system i am very cautious to not get issues

This is not your Conda environment but the path where you extracted the packages you downloaded and brought to your system.

set KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL=c:\ThePathToThePythonFilesYouDownloaded

Sorry that I am not getting this.

I did not download separately the python packages but used the install Python Extension which worked.

If i do what the link explains and use the Preferences - Knime- Python-based-extensions and press the "Download required packages for offline installation " i am presented with the return that all the required packages are located at the Path that i used in the setx cmd ( C:\Program Files\Knime\bundling\envs…)
This is not the path to the conda install - perhaps i should use that path instead ?

@mgirdwood maybe you can check the KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL environment variable and maybe choose a path without blanks and stuff and try the set command like I showed and see what that does.


@mlauber71 Re tried with no spaces and it seems to have set correctly ie Echo now shows the path as
C:\Program Files\KNIME\bundling\envs\org_knime_pythonscripting

However when trying to install the AI extension I get the erro rmessage below which is different to the original.

I really want to try to promote Knime over/in addition to our existing solution (Alteryx) but having all these issues related to Python/AI extensions is proving a difficult sell :frowning:

An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R] 5.3.2.v202408261553, action=org.knime.product.p2.actions.ShellExec).
ShellExec command exited non-zero exit value:
Installation of the Python extension failed:
See the files “C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.out” and “C:\Program Files\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.err” for details.
Please refer to the documentation at Create a New Python based KNIME Extension.

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Mind sharing the content of .out files?

Getting a similar issue right now when trying to install a different python based extension as described here:

The .err file is 0 bytes so nothing to upload.

The .out file
create_env.out (43.8 KB)

Can you try a folder outside the KNIME folder without any blanks.

Then maybe you can try the whole thing with the version 5.3.3 (in any case we hope that the December version of 5.4 will make things much easier)

The file does not show much other than that the packages are being used locally which is what we want. Maybe you can set up a fresh log file in debug mode to identify possible problems.

Thanks a lot - can you see if the .err file contains anything if opened with e.g text editor? Or did you check and it is just empty?

@MartinDDDD - Hi, the .err file is empty when checking with a text editor.

@mlauber71 - unfortunately i can not try the 5.3.3 on the works PC as its locked down and requires an admin to install.

@mgirdwood :

I just solved my case which was actually that I accidentally have set KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL despite not wanting to do an offline installation (and not having downloaded any packages on a machine that has access to internet / can install the normal way).

Reading through the above again I get that you are actually trying an offline installation - one thing that I am not yet clear on:

  • did you download the GenAI extension on a machine that has internet access?
  • Did you then move it from that machine to the machine w/o internet access?
  • Did you then, on the machine w/o internet access set KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL to the folder you have moved the downloaded packages to?

I see that the documentation has been linked above already, but just wanted to check in…


Sorry for the delay, hard to find the time away from the “official” solution we have.
I have all the extension.zips files downloaded to the offline POC and use these to add the necessary extensions whih wors fine for almost everything, except the AI Extension.
Even the usual prolem of the Python extension installed, so i dont unfortunalety see what else I can do at the moment

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