Error - Knime Server Login

Hi guys. I can’t log in my knime server…

Anyone know how i can fix it?

Hi Aimarquez,

could you please provide the message from the console output as well?

Thank you,

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Error while retrieving tokens: SSLHandshakeException invoking PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The error “PKIX path building failed” suggests that you are connecting to a web service that returns an untrusted certificate, which prevents KNIME from establishing a secure (https) connection to that service.

Since this is a connection to a KNIME service, which uses trusted certificates, you likely are behind a company proxy that replaces the SSL certificate.

To resolve this, you can try any of these:

  • Assuming the proxy certificate is preconfigured in Windows by your IT, you can use the Windows trust store. To do so, add these two lines at the end of the knime.ini within the KNIME installation folder (while KNIME isn’t running):
  • Import the required SSL certificate(s), see this video: Resolving Common KNIME Certificates Problems - YouTube
    • The certificate would be provided by your companies IT or network team.
  • Possibly change the proxy configuration you’re using (File > Preferences > General > Network Connections).

Please let us know if you have any issues with these approaches.


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