Error retrieving server information for login

I’m using Knime 5.3 and when I tried to connect My-Knime-hub or K-AI within Python Script node the following message appears:
Error while retrieving server information for login, probably because the server is not reacheble.

In Console the message is:
ERROR WelcomeAPEndpoint Calling welcome page endpoint failed

Any idea on how to solve that?


Hello @labulatif,

Can you check for any proxy settings that your workplace has? Possibly a blockage of a * could b causing the issue.

Thank you


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Hi @aliasghar_marvi !

Thank you for yout quick answer!

I’m not using proxy. The problem only occurs when connecting to the internet using my mobile phone internet.



Hi @labulatif ,

This would most likely point to the Hub/AI services only being accessible internally or when on a corporate network. I would talk to your IT administrator to verify or check where your HUB instance is accessible from.


Hi Zack!

The problem occurs when I try to acesso HUB/AI servides using the internet on my laptop through via a tethered connection from my iPhone.



Hi Lisandro,

Just to confirm, the issue does not happen when you are connected to another internet source like your company’s wifi? Again, it would appear that the issue is with the network you are on when connected to your phone’s internet.


Hi Zack,

That is exactly what is happening. The issue happen only when connected using my phone’s internet.
Using other internet sources everything works well.



Hi Lisandro,

If it is working for you not on your phones internet, then the issue is not with KNIME, and more an issue with your phone’s internet having trouble reaching KNIME’s services. Please talk to your IT team if you need assistance going forward as this is most likely a routing issue that cannot be fixed by us.
