Error while installing extensions in 5.3.1

I freshly downloaded the Knime 5.3.1 today and tried to install some extensions and I am getting the below error. Kindly suggest how to move forward.

An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R] 5.3.1.v202407030955, action=org.knime.product.p2.actions.ShellExec).
ShellExec command exited non-zero exit value:
Installation of the Python extension failed:
error libmamba Error when extracting package: Can’t create ‘\?\C:\Users\Hp\Software\knime_5.3.1\bundling\root\pkgs\ucrt-10.0.22621.0-h57928b3_0\Library\bin\ucrtbase.dll’
See the files “C:\Users\Hp\Software\knime_5.3.1\plugins\\bin\create_env.out” and “C:\Users\Hp\Software\knime_5.3.1\plugins\\bin\create_env.err” for details.
Please refer to the documentation at Create a New Python based KNIME Extension.
If the current system has no or only restricted internet access a special setup for an offline installation is required. See Create a New Python based KNIME Extension.