Error while running Knime from bat file

Once or twice per week I receive the following error message while executing a Knime workflow from a bat file:

Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to fix it?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @cason,

I actually do not know the answer.
However maybe two questions to clarify :slight_smile:

Does the same workflow work with the same bat the rest of the time?
Is a previous execution of the same workflow still running or the workflow locked in another process (e.g. through KNIME running the workflow manually)

Hi @AnotherFraudUser,

Does the same workflow work with the same bat the rest of the time?

Is a previous execution of the same workflow still running or the workflow locked in another process (e.g. through KNIME running the workflow manually)
The desktop Knime application is always closed when the bat file is running so theoretically no

Hi @cason,

what about a previous execution of the .bat execution? e.g. one process stuck/delayed which caused an overlap with the next run?

Maybe you can also search for error code 4:

Error code 4 im batch mode:It means there’s an error in your workflow. Expand the .zip file into a directory and use the -workflowDir option to execute it. From there you can execute KNIME in headless mode and if/when there’s an error, you’ll be able to re-open the workflow and see the node that is giving you the problem.

another help would be to check the knime log in the time were the batch failed, which should state in Detail what failed exacly in the workflow.
Would it be possible to get the entries from the log

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