Error with running workflow in batch mode

I have an error running a workflow in batch mode that works fine in the KNIME GUI. I am running KNIME on Windows 10 Professional, and using the Python integration to interface with 3rd-party Libraries.

I am using a Conda Environment Propagation node to configure a downstream Python Script node:
My Conda environment is configured in KNIME preferences

And Python is configured to use the Conda environment

I have exported these prefs to an .EPF file and I explicitly load them when running the workflow from the command line in a PowerShell script.

However, the workflow - which runs fine in the GUI - steadfastly fails with this error:

ERROR KNIME-Worker-2-Conda Environment Propagation 3:1462 Node Execute failed: Failed to reach out to the Conda installation located at 'C:\ProgramData\anaconda3'.

Please make sure Conda is properly configured in the Preferences of the KNIME Conda Integration.

Then select the Conda environment to propagate via the configuration dialog of this node.

org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException: Failed to reach out to the Conda installation located at 'C:\ProgramData\anaconda3'.

Please make sure Conda is properly configured in the Preferences of the KNIME Conda Integration.

Then select the Conda environment to propagate via the configuration dialog of this node.

at org.knime.conda.nodes.envprop.CondaEnvironmentPropagationNodeModel.createConda(

Any suggestions? As far as I can see everything is properly configured. Where is KNIME getting the C:\ProgramData\anaconda3 folder location from when it runs in batch mode? Why isn’t it using the explicitly configured folder?

I’m quite new to using Python in KNIME, so please go easy with me if I am doing something stupid.